Sensitivity After a Filling in Richmond Hill, Ontario
A typical method to restore the functioning and health of a tooth damaged or compromised by decay is getting a dental filling, suggests a dentist Richmond Hill, Ontario. However, sensitivity following the operation is common. Your post-filling experience might be considerably more comfortable if you know what causes this sensitivity, how to manage it, and when to get extra assistance. Residents of Richmond Hill, Ontario may learn a lot from this guidance about handling sensitivity following a filling.
Know About Post-Filling Sensitivity
Presumably following this procedure, post-filling sensitivity may be experienced as pain or discomfort in the filled tooth to hot and cold foods and drinks, sweets, or acid; when biting on that part. These reasons can be seen in sensitivity to:
- Irritated Nerves: Since drilling away decay and placing the filling can irritate a tooth’s nerves, this may cause it to be sensitive.
- Inflammation: The tooth pulp may become inflamed from the dental procedure, being a sensitivity factor.
- Bite misalignment: If you have too much of a filling to one side, then it can throw your bite off and lead to sensitivity issues.
- Materials Affecting Sensitivity: Different materials used such as composite resin or amalgam can impact the level of sensitivity. The bonding process, for example with composite fillings can cause more sensitivity initially.
- The Depth of the Cavity: Deeper cavities close to the nerve may cause increased sensitivity after getting a filling.
Sensitivity After a Filling
Here are some ways to deal with the discomfort if you experience sensitivity after having a filling:
1. Practice Good Oral Hygiene
Good oral hygiene is also important to avoid (development of) more caries and assist regeneration. Regularly brush your teeth with fluoridated toothpaste twice a day, and carefully use the same stroke followed by avoidance of the exasperation area that is affected. Everyday flossing takes away meal debris and plaque.
2. Use Desensitizing Toothpaste
Desensitizing toothpaste- the compound in it will help to reduce sensitivity by blocking pain signals that travel from the surface of your teeth to nerves. Choose things with potassium nitrate or stannous fluoride in the substances. To get the best results, use it regularly.
3. Skip Your Cascading Foods
Take extra care before eating or drinking anything that is extremely hot, cold; sweet, or acidic to reduce sensitivity. Just have whatever is NOT iced or cold. Try chewing with the other side of your mouth and also chew slowly to help remedy this.
4. Over The Counter Pain Medications
If it is the bother of sensitivity or pain you may want to take an over-the-counter pain reliever such as ibuprofen, or acetaminophen. Take as directed and visit your dentist if the pain persists.
5. Chew Carefully
Of course, do not bite hard or fast, and make sure you chew slowly so that no unwanted pressure is exerted on the filled tooth. If the sensitivity is from a high filling, your dentist can adjust it to put you in a better bite.
Figure out the possible causes of sensitivity, follow through with effective management techniques, and know when one should take an extra step to seek help as it is vital for a successful post-op. This information can also be useful for residents of Richmond Hill, ON to maintain their dental health and have the smoothest possible experience after filling maintenance. You can keep that beautiful smile of yours in tip-top condition and sensitivity-free by communicating with your dentist regularly, which means we help you maintain steady oral hygiene.