Managing knee pain with physiotherapy

If you have knee pain you can find a physio Perth who can help look at the issue, diagnose it, decide whether you need a referral and come up with a treatment plan if not. They do this with a combination of methods including observation, examination, diagnostic tools and screening questions. 

When is it time to see a physio?

If you have pain that comes and goes or is continuous but has gone on for longer than 48 hours then you might want to make an appointment. They will listen to what you have to say about your symptoms and if something specific happened and move from there. They can refer you or come up with a treatment plan that gives the best chance at recovery and helps with managing pain.

What will a physio do?

There are a few strategies or approaches the best physio in Perth might take. It will depend on your health, your condition and so on. They include;

  • Make sure you modify your activity so there is less chance of making the issue worse and the knee has more time to heal. It is ok to have a low-level amount of pain as long as it settles after.
  • Make sure you have the knowledge their expertise can offer you that covers diagnosis, recovery times, cause, treatment plan and so on.
  • Methods to use to help reduce knee inflammation which can also help lower pain and speed up recovery.
  • Support strategies you can employ such as strapping, crutches and bracing to take the load off the knee and limit movement when you are in action. These strategies will differ depending on the issue you have and the activity you want to do.
  • Use methods such as needling, trigger point release, PNF and massage to ease muscle tightness and restore length.
  • Improve the range of motion you have in the knee and check the ankle and hip on that leg to make sure they are not also being impacted. This will improve swelling, reduce pain and improve balance and function.
  • A physio Perth can offer help with post-surgery recovery and help with rehabilitation pre-surgery too.
  • Improve how the muscles around the knee develop and perform using different exercises so that different functions are possible while limiting pain.


People often live with knee pain but it can really impact their quality of life. Living with pain every day all day, limited mobility and stress can mean you are not able to do even basic things let alone activities that are more vigorous. With the help of the best physio in Perth you can get the support you need to lead a happier life. One where range of motion is improved or even restored, where you do not have as much if any pain and where you can do more things in your life. Strength will be improved, endurance will be improved, you will have better balance and coordination and there is less chance of having ongoing issues.


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